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We are on a mid-series break until Sunday, 11/3. See you then, yogis!

fall Schedule- 2024 

Sunday at 10am with Joel- Men’s Practice- In Studio and Online

Tuesdays at 6pm with Joel- All Levels Yoga- In Studio and Online

Thursdays at 6pm with Joel- Men’s Practice- In Studio and Online

Saturday at 10am with Joel- All Levels Yoga- In Studio and Online



To access the online classes, download the Zoom app at

To receive our meeting ID and password, email:

Please log on 5 minutes prior to class start time and mute your microphone.

The fee for in-studio and online classes is $25. There is a link to Cash App or Venmo on our homepage.

Thank you!

For In Studio Classes, the door opens 15 minutes prior to class start time.



Upcoming Events!

For info on these special classes, please visit the “Workshop/Retreats” Page.

All classes (except for the Intro Series) are taught to All Levels of yoga practitioner.

*The Smith’s “Introduction to Yoga” series is designed for people with a strong desire to learn the art and science of yoga but who have never yet rolled out a mat. Through a series of classes you will learn the basics in a supportive, non-judgemental, and light-hearted environment. Next series TBA

**Interval Meditation is geared to those who want a regular meditation practice, but find sitting and following the breath for extended periods of time very challenging to the point of feeling pointless. Interval Meditation meets us where most of us are in the 21st century with minds trained to focus intensely for short bursts of time. Just like interval training for the body, Interval Meditation involves a short period of intense focus, followed by a brief rest, followed by another short period of intense focus, followed by a brief rest, et. I have found this kind of meditation actually works for most people who learn it and I am excited to be able to share it with our community at the Smith. Interval Meditation is going to be offered on Saturday mornings at 8am. This will be a very short class, about 35 minutes. For those signed up for the Fall series, this class will only be $5 per class for the first series. For everyone else Interval Meditation will be $10 per class. Next series TBA

Exchange for weekly classes range from $14-$25

The Smith is a yoga co-op. Membership is $100 per year and is optional. The money raised from membership supports the Smith’s cancer scholarship.
The benefits of being a co-op member are as follows:
Discounts on series (member price per class breakdown is $14, non-member breakdown per class is $20).
When signed up for a series at the Smith you are basically paying for one class per week but you can take as many classes per week on the schedule as you wish. Online or In-Studio
Members can bring new guests to class at no cost (one free visit per new guest).